An Alien Invasion Bordering on the Insane

An Alien Invasion Bordering on the Insane

The timing couldn’t be more suspicious- a growing number of illegal aliens from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador making its way through Mexico, heading for the U.S. border and destined to arrive in time for the 2018 mid-term election.

As of this writing, the original group of 200 has swelled to more than 7,000, while yet another group of more than 1,000 has left Honduras making the same trek as their predecessors. Add all of this to the 13,000 Central Americans who have already been arrested this year while attempting to illegally enter the United States, and it has become obvious that the United States is being invaded by those who are seeking to acquire the largesse that only comes from American taxpayers, who will ultimately foot the bill for housing, medical care, food stamps and other such welfare programs…

…and the Democrats couldn’t be more delighted.

Not that Democrats give a flying flip about the welfare of these illegal entrants, nor the human tragedy unfolding south of our border with Mexico. To Democrats, these criminal trespassers offer the promise of voting power that they cannot otherwise get from legal immigrants or native-born Americans. This is precisely why they won’t lift a finger to enact immigration reform or appropriate funding to enhance border security.

Even more pernicious is the fact that this invasion is being funded by those who seek to destroy the national sovereignty of the United States by their advocacy of open borders. How else can so many thousands be sustained in their quest to breach our borders and avail themselves of our generosity here in the United States?

Thanks to George Soros and the Open Society Foundation that he started years ago, this mob of alien invaders are being fed, watered, sheltered and housed as they make their way north, and the mainstream media is all aboard with this initiative to redefine this illegal alien invasion into a “humanitarian crisis” playing the requisite guilt card on gullible Americans.

Meanwhile, President Trump is doing all he can to stop this invasion, promising to use the U.S. military, if necessary, to prevent this massive trespass and by requesting more money to fund the construction of a border wall to stop such illegal trafficking that goes part and parcel with this border breach…and what does he get for all these efforts to protect our national sovereignty?  The accusation of anti-Hispanic racism, that’s what.

It’s the same old, same old from Democrats who are all-too-willing to play the race card whenever they can’t win an argument on its own merits. Never mind the fact that advocating open borders, well, borders on the insane. Democrats would sooner lead the country towards its own destruction than to serve the interests of the American people, all in an effort to seize political power away from their opponents.

So, the ultimate question facing the American voters in this mid-term election of 2018 comes down to this…

…are we stupid enough to turn power over to those who seek our own national demise?

Well, are we?


-Drew Nickell, 22 October 2018

© 2018 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

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