The Age of the Great Apostasy

The Age of the Great Apostasy

“The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf 1925, 1933

“At that time, many will turn away from the faith and hate and betray each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people” the Gospel of Matthew 24:10-11.

Folks, as much as I am loathed to say it, we are living in the age of the Great Apostasy.  From religion to politics to commerce to academia to the media and, ultimately, unto contemporary society in general, what constitutes a lie is presented as truth, and what actually is truth is said to be a lie.

The examples of these lies are boundless, and America is falling prey to the great deception that threatens our very survival…as a people and as a nation. To wit:

  • Pope Francis, whose offices devout Catholics are taught to be the vicar of Christ on Earth, and whose teachings are supposedly infallible, is encouraging and proselytizing doctrines not found in scripture, but rather in 20th Century revisionism and socialist dogma. In the process of doing so, he has taken issue with long-held teachings of Christ’s infallibility, Christ’s birth of the Virgin Mary, and even the resurrection of Jesus Christ following His crucifixion. To question these truths is nothing short of an attempt to sabotage Christianity in general, and the Catholic faith, specifically. Also, many Protestant denominations are swimming in a cesspool of post-modern revisionism and are falling away from the Gospels and other teachings in the Old and New Testaments.
  • On a daily basis, we are told by politicians of both major parties, that President Donald Trump is a racist, that he is a misogynist, that he is a white supremacist, a neo-Nazi and a supporter of the Ku Klux Klan, who will lead this country into the great abyss and bring on a third World War if he is re-elected in 2020. There is absolutely no truth to any of this and nothing can begin to substantiate the validity of these libelous and slanderous accusations, but we hear these same outlandish claims day after day, after day.
  • Tech giants, such as Facebook and Google are manipulating what people see on the internet and are even going to the extremist position of silencing the opinions of conservatives, generally, and Trump supporters, specifically.  In other areas, large swaths of corporate and commercial interests use money to spread influence with the “connected” powers of the Deep State, and who pays the price of all this? We do…
  • Academia has long been a place where leftist, agnostic and atheistic ideology is indoctrinated into the minds of young people, but now we see hard evidence that this mindset is being implanted into the thinking of the very young, starting in the earliest years of elementary education. At many universities across the nation, any thought or expression of thought that is in direct conflict with liberal and socialist dogma, is censured and can result in poor grades, social isolation, and threats to the personal safety and well-being of those students who don’t toe the ideological line.
  • The media, all of the media, is spreading the lie that that (pick your candidate- Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, Booker) will trounce Donald Trump in the next election, that the country is headed into recession of the worst proportion,  and that Trump is advocating the use of concentration camps for all immigrants, legal or otherwise. In fact, there is scant difference in what the media reports as truth and what Democrats express in their rhetoric.
  • The fact that a majority of Gen-Xers and millennials are falling away from religion, that to these younger Americans, patriotism and national identity are quaint and unimportant relics of the past, and that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with socialism speaks loudly and clearly that we are headed into perilous times ahead.  Ignorance on a small scale is pathetic, but such ignorance on a large scale can doom society into the darkest of places where the forces of evil (and, yes, these forces are quite real) can pursue an agenda designed to destroy humanity, itself.

As we enter into this Labor Day weekend of 2019- a weekend designed to honor the American worker and the very fruits of his and her labor, let us also determine for ourselves that there is much work…hard work…to be done to deliver this nation and this world from the consequences of those who would deceive and demagogue us into oblivion.

May God bless us all and may He deliver us from all of the evil that abounds in our nation and in this world.

-Drew Nickell, 28 August 2019

© 2019 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

Signed and personalized editions now available at my website:

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Drew Nickell was back on the Radio Thursday, 29th August 2019

Drew Nickell was back on the Radio Thursday, 29th August 2019 at 1:00 PM, EDT

I was back on the radio today, sitting in  on the Nora Firestone Show, on WKQA-AM Freedom 1110, where I discussed the slippery slope of cultural decline, the decay of America’s once great cities, the creeping and yet ever-pervasive “nanny state,” the absolute lack of logic in what Democrats are espousing and how their delusions will effect next year’s presidential election, and beyond.

This show also appeared as a “Facebook live” broadcast, so here is the link to that video

-Drew Nickell, 29 August 2019

© 2019 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

Follow my postings on the RSS feed:

Today’s Democrats – Riding the Trolley to Make Believe Land

Today’s Democrats – Riding the Trolley to Make Believe Land

For Generation Xers who followed their older sibling Baby Boomers, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood was a morning staple that practically rivaled Sesame Street on PBS. A daily feature of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood involved riding a virtual trolley car into “Make Believe Land,” which brings to mind today’s Democrat Party and the fantastical places that they would seek to take us.

In Democrat Make Believe Land:

  • Hillary Clinton actually won the 2016 Presidential Election. After all, it was the Russians who interfered with the election balloting that gave Donald Trump an Electoral College win;
  • Donald Trump is a racist, a neo-Nazi and a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan who only seeks to make America white again, and completely undo sixty-five years of civil rights gains for people of color…the same holds true for every single person who voted for Donald Trump…they are, by definition,  xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic white supremacists who want to bring America back to the days of Jim Crow;
  • Donald Trump wants to round up every single immigrant who came into this country during the last four decades and return every single one of them to the country of their origin. Therefore, all barriers, borders or otherwise impediments to those who wish to enter this country should be immediately removed, and voting rights should be extended to anyone who wants to cast a ballot, regardless of where they are from and how they managed to get here;
  • Donald Trump and his Republican Party want to deny every single American any access to healthcare unless they are among the very rich who don’t pay enough taxes to ensure that every person in America, citizen, legal immigrant, or “undocumented worker” (there is no such thing as an illegal immigrant) get access to “free” healthcare;
  • College education should be a universal right and therefore tuition free. All outstanding student loans should be considered “paid in full” …after all the greedy banks and lending institutions can easily absorb such a waiver of payment;
  • The continued use of fossil fuels here in the United States poses an existential treat to the survival of the planet. Babies born this year will never reach adulthood unless the United States gives up its addiction to coal, natural gas, oil and all related petrochemical-based fuels immediately. Never mind the pollution caused by emerging countries, such as India, China and Russia…they are not the ones imperiling the future of humankind…its only Americans who are “raping” the environment and no one else;
  • There is no reason why the United States should continue to squander billions and billions of dollars trying to prop up national defense, when we are the ones who are the only threat to world peace. We should take all of the money we spend on defense and provide every country in the world the economic stimulus needed to level the playing field across the globe;
  • President Trump and all Republicans want every person in the United States (which is to say every white person in the United States) to be armed with a fully automatic machine gun so they can mow down undesirables and people of color who threaten the American way of life (code-speak for racial, religious and ethnic intolerance). Therefore, all such weaponry should be confiscated and Americans who seek to defend their homes should be issued slingshots- provided, of course, that they complete the requisite slingshot safety certification course and registration;
  • The freedoms of speech, the press and the right of assembly should be curtailed for anyone who is not in lock-step conformity with those standards as established by a consortium of university professors who, after all, know better what is good for us than we do;
  • President Trump should not be allowed to hold any political rally in any venue larger than an elementary school auditorium. Furthermore, such rallies must guarantee equal access to those who are opposed to Donald Trump, and any resulting demonstration should not be impeded in any way;
  • Free housing, free food, free medical care, free education and the guarantee of minimum basic income should be guaranteed to any person in the United States…if there is not enough money to pay for this, the United States Treasury is more than able to print enough money to pay for all of this, once 100% of all of the private and corporate wealth is exhausted;
  • Donald Trump will lose the election of 2020 by ten percentage points if any of the following candidates (Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Booker, Buttigieg) win the eventual Democrat nomination. Any of the other Democrats would stand an even chance of winning the election over Trump, if they are the nominee.

“Ding-Ding” (it’s time to take the trolley back to reality, folks)

Once, again, advantage Trump.

-Drew Nickell, 6 August 2019

© 2019 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

Signed and personalized editions now available at my website:

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