Political Poison

Political Poison


How badly has Barack Obama, along with help from Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz poisoned their Democrat Party? ….This badly…

Since the election of 2008, the Democrats have lost (and the Republicans have won) a net 13 seats in the United States Senate- that’s a 23% drop for the Democrats.

Since the same election in 2008, the Democrats have lost (and the Republicans have won) a net 72 seats in the House of Representatives- that’s a 28% drop for the Democrats.

Since the same election in 2008, the Democrats have lost (and the Republicans have won) a net 7 Gubernatorial Elections- that’s a 24% drop for the Democrats.

Much has been made about the toxicity of Barack Obama’s intention to bypass the legislature, and evoke yet another Executive Order, thereby granting millions of illegal aliens amnesty for having entered the United States, illegally.  Well, considering that the President of the United States is sworn to uphold the laws of the United States, and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, such a move on his part would indeed be toxic, to say the least, and quite possibly, in violation of the Constitution of the United States, in practical terms.

Not that he cares… Single-handedly, he has destroyed our credibility overseas, completely erased any semblance of a mandate he received in 2008, weakened the United States’ position all over the world, alienated our allies and emboldened our enemies to an extent not seen in the history of the United States. Not bad for a community organizer whose birth certificate is somewhat questionable, whose collegiate records remain sealed, and whose citizenship is not entirely established…not completely, that is.    With the help of resident dingbats, like Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Harry Reid, he has also destroyed his own political party- and that is saying something, considering that the Republicans are not exactly well loved in this country.

In short, Barack Hussein Obama is poison- toxic to his country, toxic to our allies, toxic to the world’s stability (if there ever was such a thing) and toxic even unto his own political party.      So the question is “Does he give a rat’s hindquarters?”

Not in the very least… and that is the real problem we face, today.


-Drew Nickell, 13 November 2014


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