Political Correctness

Political Correctness


Last year, I posted to Facebook a tongue-in-cheek letter to the President, written to mock the all-too-pervasive speech codes that are the illegitimate, albeit predictable progeny of political correctness. Before we delve into the issue of political correctness and how it is destroying the freedom of expression in this country, here is that letter…

An open letter to the President of the United States

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to you today (nothing against yesterday or tomorrow) to express my concern ( I am not unpatriotic) about the direction (not a geographical reference) our country (nothing against cities) is headed. To be clear (not meant to plagiarize your favorite phrase), and in the interests of full disclosure (not exposing myself indecently), I did not vote for you (I’m sorry) in either of the last two presidential elections (please do not audit me). I am a 54-year old (nothing against young people) straight (nothing against gays) white (not a racist) male (not a sexist) who usually votes Republican (not a right-wing extremist nor a fascist) and one who believes in monogamy (nothing against polygamists or players).

My father (nothing against fatherless children) served his country (he was not a war-monger) as a Corpsman (not a Corpse-man, but a Corpsman –pronounced korman) in the Navy (nothing against the other branches of service, or those who chose not to serve) in World War II. He has passed away (nothing against the living) a few years ago, but at the time of his passing, was worried about the future (nothing against the past or present) of our country (he was not an extremist, either). He worked (nothing against those who don’t) all of his life, just as my mother did (nothing against stay-at-home moms) and wanted only to pursue the American (nothing against other countries) dream.

Like my parents (nothing against orphans), I too have worked (nothing against those who haven’t) all of my life, and am afforded (nothing against those who aren’t) health insurance (nothing against Obamacare- oops, I meant to say the Affordable Healthcare Act- sorry!) by my employer (please don’t audit them, either) and every once in a while, (nothing against those who do so more, or less, frequently) like to fly (please don’t put me on a no-fly list) to see other places (nothing against persons or things) but find that it’s getting harder to do so (nothing against those that don’t) because of rising taxes (not anti-government) and, therefore, less (nothing against more) take home pay. I drive a car (please forgive my carbon footprint) have air-conditioning (ditto carbon footprint) and just want to continue to live freely (nothing against those who don’t) and independently (not a militia member) in the greatest (nothing against those who don’t think so) country (nothing against other countries) on earth (nothing against other planets). I read the newspapers (please don’t hack my phone, internet, or communications) I watch Fox News (not a co-conspirator) as well as other news outlets (just to be fair) and hope that my children (nothing against my elders) and grandchildren (nothing against grandparents) will continue enjoy the blessings (nothing against non-believers) of liberty (nothing against the imprisoned) and be able to worship (nothing against those who don’t) God (nothing against other names, beliefs or lack thereof) as they deem fit.

So please (nothing against you if you’re not pleased) take my (nothing against other’s) letter (nothing against tweets) into consideration when performing (nothing against not performing) the duties of the office (nothing against those without an office) to which you were elected (nothing against your operatives who weren’t) and I promise to continue to be a good (nothing against bad) citizen (nothing against aliens, legal or otherwise, un-documented workers, and visiting diplomats).

Very truly (nothing against the untruly) yours (nothing against mine, his, hers, theirs, ours),

Drew Nickell


Seriously speaking, the inherent problem with political correctness is the all-too-intended effect of creating speech codes- which are nothing more than the attempt of the political left to silence, ostracize and alienate the political right. Criticize the president’s policies, and one is labeled a racist. Focus attention on the problems at our southern border, and one is called anti-Hispanic. Question public funding of abortion, and one is accused of sexism- same holds true for those who might object to “free” birth control. Any attempt to identify or quantify the source of terrorism around the world carries with it the moniker of Islamophobia. Advocacy of traditional marriage brings on charges of homophobia. Question measures to reign in carbon emissions here in the United States, or dubious “scientific” claims of man-made global warning, and one is identified with a “flat earth” mentality. Being a Christian and admitting to it brings on multiple labels of intolerance, ignorance and living in a fantasy world. ANYTHING in support of Israel and one is automatically a Zionist occupier of the “peaceful” Palestinian territory. Question any use of EBT cards and the expansion of Medicaid, and one is callous, insensitive to the needy or greedy for not wanting to share the wealth. Comparatively trivial, perhaps, even though I am a Baltimore Ravens fan, and not a Washington Redskins fan, I feel their pain because now dedicated Redskins fans are ignobly identified as anti-Native American. And the list goes on, ad nauseam…

Ironically, this destruction of dissent originated in the halls of academia- the one-time center of intellectual pursuit and erstwhile venue of the exchange of ideas. Coincidentally and concurrently, the “blame America first” ideology began in these institutions of higher learning during the early days of the 20th century, and took root in the 1970’s following the Viet Nam war. Its ignominious influence spread to the newsrooms and editorial boards of publishing concerns ranging from book publishers to newspapers, in the decades that followed. Now, it has crept in to all manners and means of public discourse- just ask any student with conservative leanings, on just about any college campus in the United States, and they will tell you that even their grades are adversely affected if they so much as even question the liberal dogma being spewed by their professors. In essence, if they want to pass the course they keep their opinions to themselves and end up being forced to feed into the egotistical monster behind the lectern, whose purpose is not to educate, but rather to indoctrinate. Ask yourself this question- “Why is it that former domestic terrorists, such as a Bill Ayers or a Bernadine Dohrn, are given tenured faculty positions at the very same universities which would never allow Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to give a commencement speech?” The answer, sadly, is self-evident.

These efforts to silence the opposition to liberal orthodoxy are nothing new. We saw it in Soviet Russia, until the Gorbachev era. We saw it in Nazi Germany (remember that National Socialism grew from the German Labor Party and is, actually a leftist ideology, not what the liberal left would have us otherwise believe). We saw it during the Cultural Revolution in Communist China- and the result? …. hundreds of millions dead during the 20th century.

Even the very term “liberal” has been so corrupted. What was once considered to be advocacy for inclusion and the exchange of ideas has now been denigrated to mean the proselytizing of radical ideology and the forced quarantine of political conservatism.

In their attempt to silence opposition, such measures unwittingly fuel the fires of discontent, here at home, and wherever free men and women who cherish the concept of liberty and freedom may live. Squash a person’s freedom of expression today, and such expression will surely take on a less-than-civil means of communication, tomorrow, and then things can get ugly, very quickly, given the right impetus. Ladies and gentlemen, therein lays the true danger of political correctness and why we must demand that all be heard- on campus, in the newsrooms, and in the halls of Washington and beyond. Failure to do so will just as surely lead to the extinction of individual liberty, as we know it, and send the entire world into an abysmal return to the Dark Ages, to whence we come.

  • Drew Nickell, 8 July 2014

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