Election 2014 and the Decline of the Democratic Party


Election 2014 and the Decline of the Democratic Party


While the final results of the 2014 Election are still yet to be determined, there is still one clear message that is inescapable- The Democratic Party is in decline and this is the direct result of, and attributable to, their own party’s pathetic leadership- President Barack Obama, Senator Harry Reid, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. These four individuals have brought asunder their own party- albeit without much, if any, help from their Republican opponents.


In the three years since the midterm elections of 2010, the Democrats have lost (and the Republicans have thereby gained) a total of eleven seats in the United States Senate, fifty-five seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, and a net total of two gubernatorial offices- including Democratic bastions of Arkansas, Illinois, Maryland and Massachusetts, all of which elected Republican governors in 2014. In fact, Republicans were able to win eight of the nine contested gubernatorial elections in 2014, where they were already incumbent.


These results, when considered in the long view, are symptomatic of a Democrat party in decline, and bereft of fresh ideas- ideas which can benefit the citizenry which politicians are elected to serve. The Democrat’s strategy of dividing people along race, gender, and socio-economic strata has, at long last, failed miserably- and all indications are that people have said “enough is enough”. Enough of media manipulation, false polling, rigged elections, election fraud and faulty “calibration issues”, all of which always tends to favor Democrats.


Now, it is the Republicans who have their work cut out for them heading into the 2016 elections. The GOP has made great strides in attracting Hispanic, African American and female candidates who can win elections, across the country- even in former Confederate states like South Carolina, in blue collar states like West Virginia, and in western states like Utah. They must continue these trends if they wish to expand their voting demographic.


The GOP must discontinue the dubious strategy of reaching across the aisle to recalcitrant Democrats who have absolutely no intention of compromising in any way shape or form. This strategy of appeasement, which goes back to the late Ronald Reagan and Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill, has always come back to bite Republicans in their collective keisters, and they have lost congressional, senatorial and even presidential elections, ad nauseam, by trying to cooperate with opponents bent on their destruction.


In short, for the next two years, Republicans must learn how to act like a party of opposition (to the president) and allow the arrogant and intransigent Barack Obama to paint himself into his own corner. Those of you who think that the president will reach across to Republicans in the spirit of cooperation, to effect beneficial governance are still slumbering in the dreamland that started with the concept of Barack Obama becoming a “uniter”, rather than the divider he has proved himself to be throughout his presidency.


Let the Democrats continue their politics of division, their supposed and fallacious “war on women” strategies, and their demagogy so that Republicans can make a clean sweep of it in 2016 and restore this once-great nation to its rightful position of pre-eminence in a world otherwise bent on ensuring our demise. Then, all of us can abide in the promise of that “shining city on a hill” that we were meant to be, rather than the “source of the world’s ills” as Obama, and his pathetic partisans have suggested we are, instead.


-Drew Nickell, 5 November 2014


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