Justice Interruptus – the Arrogant Aristocracy of the Left

Justice Interruptus – the Arrogant Aristocracy of the Left

Hillary SCOTUS

Despite the fact that presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton is the subject of two criminal (yes, criminal) investigations by the FBI- one for espionage as related to her illegal use of a private e-mail server, and the other for racketeering as related to multiple contributions to the Clinton Foundation being exchanged for State Department favors, and both during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, she insists that there is no chance that indictments will follow…none.

This insistence was repeated Wednesday night during her interview with Fox News Anchor Bret Baier, when she reiterated that there is no chance that she will ever face an indictment related to these investigations.

How can she be so certain?

It’s simple. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has already assured Mrs. Clinton that he will thwart any attempt by the FBI and the Justice Department, to refer to a grand jury any indictment, regardless of evidence that would otherwise indicate that charges should be brought.

With President Obama set to announce his official endorsement of her presidential campaign, and his already-started campaigning at her behest, Obama will not do anything that would put her campaign in jeopardy, even if it means that justice will not be ultimately served upon Hillary Clinton. President Obama, who has shown on multiple occasions his selective use of law enforcement based upon political affiliation, has absolutely no problem with deciding who and who will not be subject to the laws that he is sworn to enforce.

Hence the announcement this week that all documents related to the FBI’s criminal investigation of Mrs. Clinton will remain sealed until after the November election. Under the supposed aegis of national security, the public’s right to know is being subverted for the sole interest of getting her elected as Obama’s successor.

If Hillary Clinton is elected president, then any chance of her being eventually indicted will evaporate into the thin air of her own inauguration, as she will be in a position to ensure that such indictments will never follow.

If presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is elected president, President Obama’s final act on the morning of Trump’s inauguration will be to issue a full and unconditional pardon to Hillary Clinton, for any and all crimes committed related to these investigations, regardless of how egregious and felonious they may be.

Such is the arrogant aristocracy of the left- the idea that no crime is so wantonly serious, that any liberal politician would be held accountable for having committed such crime. Evidentiary to this supposition is that, according to recent polling, 52% of registered Democrats would support Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, even if she were to be indicted prior to the November election.

Since the Republican-controlled House and Senate have already shown a complete lack of willingness to pursue impeachment against either Obama, or anyone else in his administration, Hillary Clinton is safe in the smugness of her own certainty that at the end of the day, when all things come to light, she and her husband are, and will remain, above and beyond the law.

Therefore, it is the exclusive purview of the American electorate to either condone or deny the election of such a criminal to the highest office in the land, and the most powerful position in the entire world. With the mainstream media so obviously and entirely in the tank for Hillary’s election, such a purview is the perilous place in which this nation finds itself.

God help us, indeed.


-Drew Nickell, 9 June 2016

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