Done In by a Done Deal

Done In by a Done Deal

Well it’s official. Thirty-four horses’ asses in the United States Senate have put the proverbial screws to Israel and the American people. They have indicated that they will support Obama’s Death Deal to Israel, otherwise known as the Iran Nuclear Treaty, and thereby prevent the Senate from overriding the very worst treaty ever signed by a sitting U.S. President.

Looking at the deal, Iran gets everything they want, and more- $150 billion in assets to be released by the United States, twenty-four days advanced notice of inspections at some, but not all, of their civilian nuclear enrichment sites, and all inspections to be performed…BY THEMSELVES !…. Think about it…THEMSELVES !

We get nothing- not even the release of four American hostages…

In a prior essay entitled “Dealing with the Devil”, written 14 July 2015, we likened this deal to the following scenario:

“Imagine, for a moment, a teenager’s mom telling her teenage son that she will be periodically inspecting the top drawer of his dresser for marijuana, AND will give him a fortnight’s notice of such an inspection, each time she feels the need to inspect it… and, then, if she DOES find marijuana, after said notice, he will lose his set of keys to the family car. What pot-smoking teenager would not accept THAT deal?”

This was written BEFORE we knew about the twenty-four days advanced notice, and BEFORE we knew about the side deal whereby Iran would be conducting their own inspections. So let’s amend the scenario:

“Imagine, for a moment, a teenager’s mom telling her teenage son that periodical inspections of the top drawer of his dresser drawer will take place, searching for marijuana, AND he will be given twenty-four days of advanced notice of such an inspection, each time she feels the need for inspection… and that HE is to conduct the inspection of his own dresser drawer and, then, if HE DOES find marijuana, after said notice, he will lose his set of keys to the family car. What pot-smoking teenager would not accept THAT deal?”

There is absolutely no difference between this scenario and “the deal” that the Obama administration has struck with Iran…none.

Except for one thing…we are not talking about the dangers of a teenager smoking some joints here…we are talking about an existential threat to one of our closest allies (Israel) and, given the fact that Iran is also developing Inter-continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), a national security threat to the United States of America.

We might expect such outlandishly naïve deal-making from a president who is stupid enough to think that man-made climate change, a theory not even close to being empirically proved, is the greatest national security threat to the United States. We might even expect that many of his party’s outgoing Senators might even prostitute their own better judgement, by accepting favors from a president who puts his ignorant ideology before country, on a regular basis. But to suggest that both they, and the president, would all but guarantee a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, all but guarantee an attack on Israel ushering in World War III, and all but guarantee that Iran, who is developing ICBM technology, will use this technology to attack what they still, to this very day, identify as the “Great Satan”…that being us, the United States- to suggest that, shows how low they can stoop, and how little they can even consider the ramifications of what they have done.

Albert Einstein once said, that while the next World War may be fought with nuclear weapons, “World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”, and thanks to Barack Obama and thirty-four U.S. Senators, the path to this scenario has now been advanced, irrevocably.

-Drew Nickell, 2 September 2015

© 2015 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved