Election 2020- Why the Democrats Have Already Lost…Bigly

Election 2020- Why the Democrats Have Already Lost…Bigly

With every passing day, with each and every week that advances the calendar, it becomes clearer and clearer…President Donald J. Trump will win reelection, and it won’t even be close.

The Democrats, the anti-Trump/NeverTrump blue noses who still claim to be Republicans, the Deep State in Washington, D.C., and most especially, the national media and the Hollywood elite are all setting themselves up for an even larger disappointment than they had election night, 2016.

Someone once said that “there is no lesson the second time one is kicked by a horse,” meaning that the first kick should have firmly taught the folly in standing behind a horse and, if that lesson didn’t take hold then it won’t the next time, either.

Evidently, all of the forces within and outside government, who are so rabidly opposed to the presidency of Donald Trump, learned absolutely nothing in the last three years in which they have actively tried to destroy the man, and with him, all of the millions of voters who put him in office.

Not that they won’t try, even harder than they have in the past, to take this president down. After all, none of these opposing factions…and they are legion…ever considered the remote possibility that Donald Trump might actually win the 2016 election…but then, history happened.

Now that Trump is president, and carries the attendant advantage of incumbency, look for all his many opponents to pull out all of the stops in their abiding hatred of the man who has the moxie to call them out for who and what they are, and you have a recipe for campaign coverage so biased and so filled with disdain as to stretch the imagination and boggle the mind.

It’s not enough that journalism…which is to say objective journalism…has gone the way of the telegraph. What passes today for the news media- network, cable, and the print media is nothing more than a collusive propaganda machine in undeniable cahoots with the Democrat Party- so much so, that the talking points of both arrive instantaneously and concordantly, and this is by design.

Tell the people a lie, over and over and over again, and what constitutes the “truth” becomes malleable and subjective. Worse, the people who must bear the suffrage of actual voting do so largely out of programmed ignorance due to the lack of real news, and from which they might otherwise make informed decisions.

Essentially, it is the preponderance of fake news across all media outlets which threaten the sanctity of an election, and thereby the underpinnings of representative democracy, more than any alleged tampering with our elections by a foreign power- be it Russia, China or anyone else.

Into this maelstrom, is the reelection campaign of a president who has defied his opponents at every level of government and delivered on the promises he made to the American people. To wit…

  • The tax cuts and regulatory reforms he has put into place have lowered unemployment across the board, to the lowest levels seen in a half-century, and the lowest levels ever for Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans and women across all ethnic identities;
  • The energy policies of the Trump administration have made the United States the world’s largest exporter of energy, and completely self-sufficient from the dictates of OPEC. Remember that this is the same United States that was practically brought to its knees by OPEC in the 1970s;
  • While there is still much to be achieved in the de-nuclearization of North Korea, the medium- and long-range missile testing has ceased, along with nuclear weapons testing, and the two sides are talking- something that hasn’t taken place since the 1953 Korean War cease-fire;
  • For the first time since President Nixon normalized relations with China in the early 1970s, the United States is in a position of economic strength to finally leverage long-needed trade concessions, and we finally have a President willing to take on the Chinese in a way that none of his seven predecessors were willing to do;
  • Ridding the country of the individual mandate attendant to ObamaCare fixed the biggest and most invasive aspect of the (un-)Affordable Care Act, and thereby unlocked the potential for actual improvement to how healthcare is delivered to the people. Couple that with Trump’s initiative to lower the cost of prescription drugs across-the-board, and we might finally begin to get a handle on the rising costs of healthcare;
  • Pulling the United States out of the insanely masochistic and ludicrous JCPOA (the Iran “Deal”) and the equally self-flagellating Paris Climate Accords, brought forth a foreign policy that puts America first, and to a degree we haven’t seen since Ronald Reagan left office in January of 1989. A succession of globalist/internationalist presidents- both Bushes, Clinton and Obama- all-too-often subrogated American interests to a new world order dead-set against American prosperity and pre-eminence.

Juxtapose this reality to Democrat aspirants to replace President Trump who

  • Advocate for universal single-payer health insurance, eliminating private health insurance currently enjoyed by seventy percent of Americans who get this coverage from their employers and unions;
  • Seek to decriminalize illegal border crossings so as to effectively create open borders, some even offering to provide guaranteed healthcare coverage to these same illegal immigrants;
  • Seek to eliminate the tax cuts enacted in December of 2017, driving up the tax burden for working families and middle-class taxpayers, and taxing the wealthy at a rate of 70%;
  • Seek to effectively shut down domestic energy production with the imposition of environmental regulation guaranteed to make the United States once-again dependent on foreign oil, coal and natural gas;
  • Seek to re-commit to the disastrous JCPOA, the Paris Climate Accords, NAFTA and other such deals that, by design, will hurt the American economy and will cost Americans the very jobs gained back in the wake of the Trump presidency;
  • and… who seek to punish Donald Trump for having the gall to win the 2016 election, by supporting impeachment and even post-presidential prison for the man they seek to unseat.

So, we are supposed to believe that a vast majority of people in this country would prefer (name the Democrat- Biden, Bernie, Warren, Kamala or even Mayor Pete) to occupy the Oval Office in 2021?

Well that’s just more of the same horse-hockey of wishful thinking that the media tried to foist on us in the last election…it didn’t work then…it won’t work now that the election is in full swing…and it won’t work in the fall of 2020, either…

…but don’t even try to tell that to Trump’s opponents, or members of the Hollywood elite, or the media, or the deep state apparatchiks in Washington, lest you be labeled a racist, a misogynist, psychotic or worse…

There are liars, there are damned liars and then there are those adversely affected by Trump Derangement Syndrome…just turn on the TV…you’ll see them all there…

-Drew Nickell, 17 July 2019

© 2019 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

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