Under-reported: Trump Just Won Re-election in 2020

Under-reported: Trump Just Won Re-election in 2020

The headline yet to be seen: Trump Wins Re-election in 2020…

…yet to be seen, but nevertheless almost certainly true.

Taking stock of the 2020 election as of February 2019:

  • With (count ‘em) 30 Democrats who have either announced or are seriously considering running for their party’s nomination in 2020, no real party standard-bearer has emerged that has a chance of uniting a fractured party to victory against Trump. The media doesn’t like to mention it, but the Democrat Party is fractured between its lunatic left (who favors infanticide, open borders, radical socialism and a fantasy called the “green new deal”), and a shrinking, aging and soon-to-become-extinct traditional left (wedded to big labor, protectionism and the working middle class).
  • Virginia’s sad comedy of errors where Governor Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring, both of whom ran their elections on a 2017 platform of accusing their Republican counterparts of racism, must now rationalize and contextualize their having donned “blackface,” in an era where doing so had long since been deemed an anathema to racial equality and sensitivities. Meanwhile Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, being pressured to resign in the face of two credible accusations of sexual assault within the last twenty years, leaves the swing-state party in Virginia without any shred of moral authority when it comes to the defense of women’s rights. Given the two controversies involving race and gender, the longer they remain in office, the more these three will place a drag on a national party which seeks to run on a platform accusing Trump and Republicans of being insensitive to the plight of women and people of color.
  • Legislative initiatives in half a dozen states which would legalize abortion up to and including full-term delivery of a child, amount to nothing less than infanticide, not to mention the fact that third trimester abortion is only legal in seven of the world’s countries and is opposed by the vast majority of the U. S. electorate. Finding any Democrat who publicly denounces these ghoulish and dastardly procedures, codified into law by states all headed by Democrat administrations, is like finding a Democrat who publicly supports full funding for a border wall- yet another issue where the public supports the President’s position.
  • Speaking of walls, the only real wall that is being constructed is the one being built by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), which is slowly but surely isolating the Democrat leadership away from the electorate who is coming to realize the need for actual, and not virtual, border security. As the number of innocents whose lives are being lost- from homicide (both civilian and law enforcement), drug overdose and sex trafficking- all at the hands of illegal aliens- continues to grow, political opposition to actual border security imperils the electability of Democrat politicians, especially those who had supported wall funding in the past.

So why are so many would-be candidates declaring, or on the verge of declaring, their intention to seek the nation’s highest office? Moreover, why are Democrats increasingly supporting issues and initiatives that will either never work, or never find favor with the vast majority of Americans?

The explanation is rather simple- assuming people are willing to extricate themselves from the box in which the media has placed us- a box that encourages division, exaggerates the President’s unpopularity and diminishes the specious positions taken by his adversaries.

In both instances, announcing a presidential candidacy (or publicly contemplating the same) and advocating an agenda steeped in fantasy and illogic brings to bear free national media attention to politicians who would otherwise be ignored in the wake of their own irrelevance.

Better to be noticed, even dubiously so, than to be ignored, all of which impacts an election twenty-one months away and which therefore suggests…

…advantage Trump.

-Drew Nickell, 11 February 2019

© 2019 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

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