The State of the Union 2019

The State of the Union 2019

There has been much talk and further speculation on President Trump’s State of the Union Address, slated for Tuesday evening, February 5th.

On the 3rd of January, 2019, while in the midst of a partial government shutdown, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invited the President to address a joint session of Congress on January 29th.  Subsequently, the Speaker requested that the address be cancelled or postponed until the partial shutdown ended, out of concerns for security. This was a lie perpetuated to force the president’s hand in unilaterally caving to Democrat demands that the shutdown must end prior to any discussion on border security- discussions that would exclude any funding for a wall on the U.S./Mexico border. When the President agreed to the postponement, as opposed to a written submission that came on the heels of this postponement request, the new date of February 5th was agreed to when the president offered to temporarily re-open for three weeks that portion of government that had been shut down, pending resolution to the issue of border wall funding.

The real reason that Democrats want to postpone/cancel the address is that they do not want the President to attain access to a national audience, out of fears that he would make a compelling case for border wall funding and other such initiatives that he wishes to pursue during the biennial legislative session, ending January 3rd, 2021. Democrats know all-too-well that giving the President any legislative win, especially border wall funding given his oft-stated promises to build a wall during his 2016 campaign, will effectively result in his re-election in 2020- something that they cannot, must not abide. Since a large swath of Democrats in both houses of Congress seek to impeach President Trump, not allowing him any legislative victory is the “plan B” in curtailing his presidency, irrespective of what is in the best interests of the country.

So, the State of the Union address will proceed as rescheduled on February 5th. Here is a prediction: once the President is formally introduced to the joint session, and takes the podium, look for the Democrats to walk out of the chamber, en masse, in a childish attempt to humiliate President Trump before a nationwide audience. They will do this so that the post-address news cycle centers around the Democrat walk-out, as opposed to the substance of the President’s address. It is as though the story has already been written, which just goes to confirm the undeniable collusion that exists between the mainstream media and the Democrat Party, and further perpetuates the proposition by President Trump’s opponents that his presidency is somehow illegitimate and not worthy of the trappings of his office. Remember, now, what the lessons of the last (count ‘em) three years has taught us- that there is no depth to the extent that Democrats will descend, in order to obstruct the presidency of Donald J. Trump, as they have time and time again proved before, during and subsequent to his election as President and taking his office.

Sad but true, the Democrats would prefer the complete and total collapse of this country, than to allow this President to successfully lead the nation to security and prosperity, recalling to mind what Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister (1969-1974), once said about those seeking the destruction of her own country:

            “Peace will come when they love their children more than they hate us.”

…and make no mistake about it- hatred of Donald Trump, and those who voted for him and continue to support his presidency, is that which is driving the Democrat Party, and nothing more than that.

-Drew Nickell, 30 January 2019

© 2019 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

now available at Amazon

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