The Mid-Term Election of 2018

The Mid-Term Election of 2018

To say that the Mid-Term Election of 2018 is the most important and consequential mid-term election in our lifetime would be a gross under-statement. When it comes to the very direction the United States is going to take in the years ahead- be that two years ahead or six, the choice American voters will make could not be clearer, and the stakes could not be greater.

On the one hand you have the Democrats. Aside from the fact- the very important fact- that they are still “smartin’” from President Trump’s upset over their anointed queen, Hillary Clinton, who was certain to be the successor to Barack Obama, vengeance on her behest is the saliva that drools from their very essence. This is why they have taken their eyes off of their evolutionary course, and have steered themselves into the mindless stratagems of socialism and open borders.

No real American wishes our border to be an open pathway for anyone to merely saunter across, with an expectation of governmental largesse and eventual citizenship. To openly advocate for such an approach is political suicide, but acting in such a way to promote this policy of open borders is what has been going on, and will continue to occur, as long as Democrats block any attempts by Republicans or President Trump to arrive upon a more safe and secure immigration policy- one that works. In short, it’s all about swelling the ranks of immigrant voters, and how they got here is of no concern to Democrats who only seek the power of elected office.

In the same way, no one who has even an elementary understanding of economics, or knows the history of the twentieth century in which hundreds of millions died as the direct result of the varying forms of socialism and the wars it brought about, would rationally seek socialism as the correct solution to the means of production and the distribution of wealth. Because “the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money,” so famously said by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, socialism can only and eventually result in universal poverty and dependence on the state. Because the wealth that creates both enterprise and employment will have been taxed into oblivion, there will be no one for whom to work, and the middle class will cease to exist as a result. Essentially, the only bloc of voters who would pursue socialism are either ignorant of history and the realities of economies based upon supply and demand or are, in fact, anarchists who seek to bring down our national economy as a means to foment revolution and subsequent change to a global government in control over every aspect of our lives.

Democrats don’t like to talk about these things because they know, deep down, both positions are losers in the eyes of the American voters. So, instead they talk of the need to counter President Trump and provide some semblance of a balance of power. They know that the second they gain control of either house, the next two years will be filled with committee hearings, investigations and little else in spite of the fact that the American people want things done to improve their lives, and no amount of partisan acrimony and talk of impeachment can ever bring this about.

On the other hand, you have the Republicans. Formerly fractured in half by those who support President Trump, and those who hate him as much as their Democrat foes do, somewhere along the way they realized that the guy tends to get things done- things his more polite Republican predecessors could never get done, largely because they sought approval from the opposing party and the biased media that would never materialize, regardless. Add that to the way he can draw a crowd at a stump speech, control the conversation though the use of twitter, and the economic surge that has occurred since his election, there is a sense that whatever before divided the Republican party is going the way of departed (John McCain R-AZ) and departing senators (Bob Corker R-TN, Jeff Flake R-AZ). For a Republican to distance himself or herself from the President, is to court disaster on election night.

Aside from the Trump factor, it is the Republicans who seek to preserve the strength of the American economy, it is the Republicans who seek to stymie the progression towards socialism, and it is the Republicans who want to stem the tide of illegal immigration, the growth of sanctuary cities and the slow and steady assault on our Constitutional freedoms.

Early voting returns indicate the possibility of a record turnout by the time the votes are tallied. With such a vast chasm between two competing agendas, the American people will decide the fate of this nation, in a mid-term election like no other…

…may they choose wisely.


-Drew Nickell, 5 November 2018

© 2018 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

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