Hanging in the Balance

Hanging in the Balance

While no one in the media will ever admit this, it is becoming ever more evident that President Donald Trump is practically unbeatable within the U.S. electorate. Sure, there are pockets within the electorate- coastal elitists, aggrieved identity groups, socialists, open-border advocates and politicians of both parties who despise the President. These make up that part of the electorate vehemently opposed to Donald Trump and his presidency.

Yet taken together, they cannot begin to counter the pro-Trump voters within that same electorate who are more loyal to Trump, as a percent of the Republican voters, than any other Republican President, ever. Not that this fact is reflected in the representatives and senators who presently comprise the legislative caucuses in both houses, for there are scores of Republicans who tacitly or actively oppose the President at every opportunity to do so.

The most vociferous amongst these anti-Trump Republicans are those who are not seeking re-election in the fall, which says much albeit unintentionally, about the actual power Trump holds over members of his own caucus who are running for re-election. “Oppose Trump at your own peril” is not only a warning…it’s a stark reality, and for Republicans to deny that this is the age of Trump, is to ignore the fact that the G.O.P. will live or die based upon the degree to which they embrace, support and back the current President of the United States.

To be precise, this fall’s election is a referendum on Donald Trump, plain and simple.

If Democrats take over the House, their first order of business will be to impeach the President- reason to be determined. Much like the opponents to the President’s selection for Justice Kennedy’s seat on the Supreme Court being at the ready, armed with pre-printed protest signs, in need only of a name to fill in the blank, they’ll figure out some excuse to charge the President with a fabrication of a supposed crime, because they know they can’t impeach a sitting president just because they hate the man. The fact that there will not be enough votes in the Senate to ultimately convict the President is irrelevant to Democrats, because they only need to approve articles of impeachment to bottle up the Congress until 2020, when then they can have a shot at the White House, itself.

On the other hand, if Republicans can retain their majority in the House, then impeachment of the President will be averted and the issue will be to what degree the House is willing to work with the President on the key issues of health care, spending, taxation, border security and immigration reform. The pending departure of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) has already set up a run-off between his heir apparent, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and a member of the House Freedom Caucus, Jim Jordan (R-OH). This contest will say much regarding the future of Republicans in the House of Representatives.

Given the strength of the economy, international developments ranging from North Korea to NATO to the Middle East, the defeat of ISIS and in keeping the promises made during his campaign in 2016, the case for voting against Trump has become exclusively partisan- opposing the President for its own sake, rather than for tangible reasons.

Anyone who believes that a majority of this country is actually for open borders, for guaranteed basic income and for “free” education, health care and housing- as are becoming the primary issues upon which Democrats are increasingly advocating- is delusional to believe that this is even remotely approaching a winning platform. Here’s a prediction: scores of Democrat voters will either stay home or abandon the excesses of their own party, and oppose their most leftward-leaning incumbents and candidates running for office. Yes, it’s true that many incumbent Democrats are being pushed aside by socialist upstarts in Democrat primaries, but this will only serve to lessen the support that these new Democrats will ultimately receive at the polls this fall.

Taken together, it appears that Trump’s party is not only well-positioned to prevail this fall, but it is Trump who is in the driver’s seat to win re-election in 2020, so “Plan A” of the Democrats to rid the country of one Donald Trump by voting him out of office is becoming increasingly unlikely.

Never fear though. Democrats who often find themselves unable to secure the policies they promote are well-versed and well-trained to seek from the courts that which they can’t achieve through the legislative process. That’s why we have activist judges who write the laws from the bench that Democrats are unable to pass, legislatively.

So “Plan B” will be to oppose Trump in the courts and then hope that somehow the Mueller probe can come up with something…anything…to get Trump in the hot water they so desperately seek. Any Republican “rat” they can find to support this effort will be all the more welcomed to join in the fray, but many of them won’t be around next year, so Democrats seeking Trump’s removal will have to rely on their compatriots in the “deep state” and their allies in the mainstream media to do their bidding, instead.

Otherwise, President Donald Trump will be around until January of 2025, which will drive the likes of Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and company out of their ever-loving minds and further deteriorate the Democrat Party, as we’ve come to know it…that’s the good news.

The bad news?

Well, if you think that the country is polarized today, then just imagine this country with Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020…it will be war in the streets, sorry to say, and the one chance this nation has to correct the errors of its ways in following a globalist agenda for almost a century, will hang in the balance under a President elected to do quite the opposite.


-Drew Nickell, 29 July 2018

© 2018 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

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