Sanctuary Suffrage and the Left’s War on the Constitution

Sanctuary Suffrage and the Left’s War on the Constitution

Every ten years, the United States is compelled to take a constitutionally-mandated census of its citizens. Primarily used to re-apportion the seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, the census has also been used to allocate federal dollars across a host of taxpayer-funded projects- roads, schools, healthcare assistance, etc. The information gathered on this decennial snapshot tells us who we are as a nation, and what variables amongst us describe our race, sex, age, where we live and how we are related to our household members- all in addition to the counting of how many of us we are.

Up until the last census, taken in 2010 (and previous censuses going back to 1965), we were asked whether or not we were actual citizens and, if not, what was our immigration status. That last detail was deemed necessary to determine equal representation in the House, as such representation is solely based on the number of citizens being represented in each congressional district, with the aim of making each House seat representative of an equal number of constituents. Given the priorities of the Obama administration, counting citizens was deemed to be irrelevant, as they and their Democrat allies sought to apportion congressional districts to include non-citizens as well, in direct opposition to the mandates of the U.S. Constitution. States thus having large populations of non-citizens like California, as compared to other states like Wyoming, would then be over-represented in the apportionment of House districts, presumably favoring Democrats over Republicans. Hence the purpose behind Democrat opposition to including the citizenship question in the upcoming 2020 census- it’s a bold play by Democrats to include non-citizens in the apportionment of congressional districts, and in so doing, enable these districts to receive a dis-proportionate share in federal funding. That’s it in a nutshell, despite their egregious claims that including the question amounts to racial intimidation.

In essence, the Constitution be damned if non-citizens can’t have what’s coming to them, too- including the right to vote. Yes, it’s true. An illegal alien in California can qualify for a driver’s license and/or a state ID card. With either, the non-citizen is then granted suffrage- the right to vote in state elections, including federal elections, because federal elections are administered by the respective states. The State of California has also declared itself a sanctuary state, essentially absolving itself from cooperation with Immigrant and Customs Enforcement (ICE). When ICE attempts to enforce deportation orders, or serve criminal warrants against illegals who have committed violent crimes, state and local officials are proscribed from cooperation with federal authorities. In essence, what this really means is that California- given these two examples, has effectively declared war on the United States Constitution, all in pursuit of partisan political power…and it doesn’t end there…

In the Senate and in the House of Representatives there is a growing number of legislators, mostly Democrats but also anti-Trump/NeverTrump Republicans, who are bound and determined to prevent President Trump from making good on his campaign promise to build a wall on the southern border of the United States. Their vociferous opposition to the construction of the wall merely confirms the fact that what they seek are open borders, which allow unfettered access to illegal aliens- aliens who will then be granted voting suffrage, all in the pursuit of partisan political power.

Ironically, it was yesterday when retired Supreme Court Associate Justice John Paul Stevens wrote an article for The New York Times on advocating for the outright repeal of the Second Amendment- a stance even many gun-control advocates recognize as extreme. It should be noted that this is the same Justice Stevens who authored the dissenting opinion in District of Columbia vs Heller (2008), opposing the verdict that re-affirmed the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, irrespective of affiliation with a state militia. While Stevens’ opposition to private gun ownership is well-documented, it also says much about a former associate justice who wants to tear up the Constitution. While many gun-control advocates say they don’t want to outright repeal the Second Amendment, having a former Associate Justice advocating such repeal merely reinforces the argument of gun-ownership advocates, and the NRA particularly, that the right to bear arms is well under siege.

These are but two examples of how the political left has declared war on the Constitution of the United States, a war that has been percolating since the late 1960s and which has its roots in academia, going back to the earliest decades of the 20th century. To radical anti-American extremists in university faculties across the country, the Constitution is merely a relic of history whose very meaning and structure is something to be ignored in much of what they advocate, including what constitutes free speech on their very own campuses. In their world, students who echo their own radical sentiments are to be guaranteed the right to express their opinions, but those who oppose this ideology are to be censured and made silent- a very dangerous mindset that, over a generation, can lead to complete destruction of individual liberty and a dissolution of constitutional rights.

Without the Constitution of the United States, the United States of America simply does not exist…and behind the left’s war on this Constitution lies their real intent to overthrow the nation and replace it with a totalitarian socialist state.

The first step in this effort, is to rid the nation of its duly elected president, one way or the other. Once Donald Trump is no longer President of the United States, they can proceed with implementing the rest of their nefarious agenda.

-Drew Nickell, 28 March 2018

© 2018 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.
author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”
now available at Amazon

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