McCabe Fired- The Great Unraveling Begins

McCabe Fired- The Great Unraveling Begins

Twenty-five hours before payments from his federal pension were about to begin, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was summarily fired from the bureau by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

In a late Friday night announcement, the Justice Department announced McCabe’s immediate termination as the result of findings, by the bureau’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), that McCabe had lied to investigators on more than one occasion, regarding his involvement in both the Hillary Clinton e-mail and in the alleged Trump/Russia collusion investigations. “Lack of candor” by any and all employees of the FBI are grounds for immediate termination, period. McCabe’s firing also vouchsafes that this policy applies to all, and it should serve to allay any doubts from low-level FBI agents throughout the country, who might otherwise have felt that senior-level members of the bureau get a pass on this policy.

By waiting for the OPR’s official recommendation, issued this past week, Sessions managed to avoid accusations that this decision was purely “political.” The OPR is very much apolitical by nature, comprised of career civil servants, and would not have made this recommendation without just cause. Immediate cries from both Democrats, and McCabe himself, that it was all President Trump’s doing, only serve to confirm the evidence of their own bias, when it comes to both the FBI and the Mueller investigations. Had Attorney General Sessions rebuffed the OPR’s recommendation, and allowed McCabe to retire with his pension intact, he would have merely repeated the Obama administration’s allowing disgraced IRS official Lois Lerner to retire with full benefits. Such a refusal would have also provided President Trump with yet another reason to terminate Jeff Sessions as AG.

McCabe, who facilitated the illegal use of a Hillary Clinton-funded GPS/Fusion dossier to pursue FISA warrants against Trump’s campaign associates, and was part of efforts by Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and others to sabotage Trump’s campaign and subsequent presidency, also colluded to absolve Hillary Clinton of criminal charges following her unauthorized use of a private e-mail server, illegal distribution of classified documents and destruction of evidence related to both. If the findings of Inspector General Michael Horowitz regarding McCabe, and others, lead to the appointment of a special counsel, criminal charges could well follow, and the loss of McCabe’s pension could be the least of his problems. Furthermore, none other than former FBI Director James Comey could also face criminal charges for his own misconduct regarding Hillary Clinton’s e-mail investigation, and illegal release of classified documents to the media, which prompted the Mueller investigation.

Also revealed last night were text messages between Strzok and Page that may serve to impugn FISC Judge Rudolph Contreras, a friend of Strzok, who suddenly recused himself from further involvement following his ruling on Michael Flynn’s indictment. That, in and of itself, calls into further question the FISA applications being approved by the FISC court, and many more indictments could follow, as well.

With so many careers destroyed, and with so many criminal indictments surely to follow, the one question that needs to be asked is simply this…

…was blind loyalty to Hillary Clinton worth it?

Well, was it?


-Drew Nickell, 17 March 2018

© 2018 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.
author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”
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