The Considerable and Ponderous Stretch to Support Hillary Clinton

The Considerable and Ponderous Stretch to Support Hillary Clinton


Setting aside the ignorant, the naïve, and the sycophantic souls who dwell amongst us, one has to hand it to those who still support the candidacy of, and intend to vote for, Hillary Clinton. To do so requires a backward bend that would truly break the spine of most ordinary mortals. To wit:

  • To support Hillary, one must accept the fact that one is supporting a woman who has besieged and attempted to destroy a very lengthy list of women who have been sexually and, in some cases violently assaulted by her husband, William Jefferson Clinton…and this from a presidential candidate who purports to support “women’s causes.” One must also accept the fact that she giddily laughed during an interview while bragging about the fact that she used a flimsy loophole in criminal law to exonerate a serial child rapist who she knew was guilty of brutally raping a twelve-year-old girl.


  • To support Hillary, one must accept the fact that Hillary Clinton intentionally and illegally set up a private e-mail server in order to control the dissemination of e-mails she sent and received while she was Secretary of State, and that she did so to hide the fact that she was indeed selling State Department favors to foreign governments, many of which harshly treat women, homosexuals and non-Muslims, in exchange for millions of dollars of cash contributions to the Clinton Foundation and its Clinton Global Initiative.


  • To support Hillary, one must accept the fact that in order to withhold evidence from the Congressional Investigative Committee, she intentionally and illegally deleted over 33,000 e-mails from her server and directed the State Department to slow-walk FOIA requests pertaining to the use of her private e-mail server while she was serving as Secretary of State.


  • To support Hillary, one must accept the fact that, during the night of the Benghazi raid and while it was still in progress, it was Hillary Clinton who led a meeting of State Department officials, Defense Department officials and White House operatives where the focus was, based upon five of the ten action items ordained at the meeting, on how to cloak the cause of the attack on a bogus narrative that the attack was the result of a spontaneous protest against an anti-Mohammed internet video, as opposed to the fact that it was a pre-planned terrorist raid by an Al-Quaida affiliate group Al-Shabaab on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. At this meeting there were no action items regarding any attempt to rescue the American personnel under attack at the Benghazi consulate.


  • To support Hillary, one must accept the fact that Hillary blatantly lied to the families of those killed in the attacks, while standing behind their flag-draped coffins, promising to get the man who made the video when, it has been documented that she knew from the get-go that the attack had absolutely nothing to do with the video, and was instead a planned and coordinated attack by the Al-Quaida affiliate group Al-Shabaab, as evidenced by an e-mail she sent to her daughter, Chelsea, that very night and an e-mail she sent to the Prime Minister of Egypt the very next day following the attack.


  • To support Hillary, one must accept the fact that there have been numerous accounts from a host of sources going back to her years as first lady of Arkansas, of her hot temper, vile outbursts and, in some cases, violent tantrums, as most recently enumerated in a book Crisis of Character by a former Secret Service officer, Gary J. Byrne assigned to protect President Clinton during his term of office…and this temperament on the part of a candidate who alleges that it is Donald Trump who lacks the temperament of one who would be President of the United States.

It is even more of a stretch to arrive upon a single, logical reason why anyone in their right mind would support such a candidate- discounting, of course, the fact that, at the end of the day, Hillary has a vagina.

Some reason to vote for a President.


-Drew Nickell, 28 June 2016

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