A Declaration of Personal Rights

A Declaration of Personal Rights

February 26, 2015- In the City of Virginia Beach within the Commonwealth of Virginia

When in the course of history, the growing encroachment on Constitutionally-protected Freedoms causes one to avow his Rights, under a growing and pervasive threat to such Rights, I do hereby proffer the following notice to the Government of the United States, and to the Commonwealth of Virginia, in which I was born and continue to reside.

I hold these truths to be self-evident, that I am an American Citizen, endowed by my Creator with certain inalienable Rights and that amongst these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, as well as those Rights specifically enumerated in the Constitution of the United States. I further avow that these Rights may not and will not be abridged without due process of law by any entity within, or outside, the Government.

I will not surrender specifically the Rights that are enumerated in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. Amongst these are the right to Free Speech, Assembly, Publication of my opinions in any venue, and on any subject, as well as the right to Worship my Creator, in my own Way, and that the expression of such cannot and will not be abridged by any individual, entity or Governing body, on the basis of what such entities deem to be politically, socially, academically and/or morally incorrect. I further avow that it is my right to keep and bear arms as specifically enumerated in the Second Amendment, if I should so choose.

I hereby lay claim to these Rights which I will not surrender under any circumstance, other than my own demise. Signed and sealed on this twenty-sixth day of February in the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Fifteen.


-Drew Nickell (seal)


© 2015, by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved