The Unintended Revelations in Trump’s Impeachment

The Unintended Revelations in Trump’s Impeachment

In the unending hours of testimony by government employees who support the efforts to impeach and remove President Donald Trump, who in closed, secret session must pass an “audition” before Adam Schiff will allow them to testify on television, there are revealed some sad and perilous truths that no one in the media, or on either side of the aisle, ever intended to reveal. Moreover, once this impeachment farce is finished, and the Senate ultimately acquits the President of wrongdoing, the implications of these revelations will remain, and therein lies the larger problem. For instance:

  • Given the many thousands of career personnel in the State (and other) Departments, it has become quite obvious that any incoming President is expressly at their mercy to carry out his policies.
  • Given the swelling ranks of federal employees across all departments, there is a permanent government establishment in all sectors who utilize the complexity of their own rules and regulations to stymie political opponents and enable political allies. Consider, for instance. the State Department during the Obama administration under Secretary Hillary Clinton versus the same State Department during the Trump administration under Mike Pompeo, following the “planted” Rex Tillerson, who attempted to thwart the President at every turn.
  • Undoubtedly, there is a globalist/internationalist mindset that has become so entrenched in the State Department, over several decades since the end of World War II, and one that has largely been supported by every President from both parties, since Franklin Roosevelt was president. While presidents come in with their own agendas, in the grand scheme of things, there has been little variation in much of what we call foreign policy, but then…
  • In marches President Trump on a new wave of nationalistic fervor- borne from long-held and simmering anti-establishment sentiments percolating in the heart of conservatives who have repeatedly been lied to and have grown weary of a double-standard which exonerates Hillary Clinton and James Comey, and yet destroys the lives of Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and, most lately, Roger Stone. Trump’s voter base is fed up with the trillions of dollars and thousands of lives spent in policing the world from the “crazies” trying to effect jihadist revolution or totalitarian hegemony.  With nominal financial and military assistance from allies, too many of whom commit to supporting these efforts, but in specious and unreliable platitudes that promise much and deliver little, Trump’s voter base has grown weary of the tweed-jacketed and finely-suited “experts” who have a tendency to defer to international group-think. On that and other bases, Trump and his supporters are instinctively and reflexively against almost every established “norm” that has been set in stone by these globalists, who viewed his election as a threat to all they hold dear and understand to be the only way to secure the world in the way they deem fit, and without prioritizing our own national security in the process.
  • The way all three of these career apparatchiks so desperately tried to parlay their own misgivings about such radical change into aiding Democrats and other establishment Anti-Trump/NeverTrump politicos, all in an effort to remove him or sully his re-election, is revealed in the way each has testified for the committee. It’s as if they are saying, “How dare he?” Yet, despite this, none can say with any clarity exactly what “treason, bribery, high crime or misdemeanor” that the President himself has actually committed that would warrant impeachment and removal from office- other than the fact that he is pursuing policies not to their own liking.
  • All of which brings the larger, constitutional question that we never hear about and that is whether or not our government is truly run by three equal branches or is it really run by a permanent embedded class of federal employees, never elected to anything and whose real priority is protecting their tenure to ensure their pension. When a bureaucracy grows so bloated that it takes on the trappings of a permanent, shadow government entrenched in their own agendas, irrespective of the will of the people to effect change, the power of the vote becomes diminished to the point of irrelevancy. This is why the Democrats seek to “correct” the results of the 2016 election, and “correct” those who voted for Trump, by removing a duly-elected President or making sure he will not be re-elected, in the end.
  • Worse, the Democrats in the House are permanently damaging the office of the presidency by subjecting it forever more to the heavy-handed and overtly-partisan scrutiny of a legislature which has thus effectively emasculated the powers of the President. Further, any future President would have to serve at the imprimatur of the permanent ruling class of a federal establishment pursuing its own agenda- the will of the people be damned.
  • So, while the buffoonish machinations of Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, his fellow Democrats on the committee and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, designed to besmirch the President and make his re-election unthinkable to voters who get their news from CNN, MsNBC and the networks, the real damage that results will mean a less secure country for the rest of us- especially in times of peril… Why?… because a president who must gain the approval of a legislature for every single solitary course of action, in such times of national emergency, will be hampered in his ability to protect the country, through legislative delay, committee consent and the bureaucratic boggling that’s sure to follow.

In essence, we must ask ourselves who sets foreign policy? An elected President or the permanent federal bureaucracy empowered to pick and choose which candidate they will support and which candidate they will oppose? The United States Constitution has weighed in on this quite specifically, as expressed in Article 2, but it appears that the denizens of D.C. have their own ideas on the subject, and that is what threatens our nation more than anything else.

In their quest to “dump” Trump, are the Democrats in Congress prepared to destroy the presidency itself, and so further divide a country that they have polarized to the point of possible civil war?

Is getting rid of Trump worth all that? Really?

-Drew Nickell, 15 November 2019

© 2019 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

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