Democrats- The Madness in their Messaging

Democrats- The Madness in their Messaging

Any thought that Democrats regaining majority status in the U.S. House of Representatives, would lead us towards a new era of balanced government has evaporated in the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s loss of control over her own caucus. Increasingly, the radical fringes of the Democrat Party have taken over the messaging and the platform of that party and, in so doing, transformed the party into a socialist movement incompatible with the majority of the American electorate. The examples are many, some of which are as follows:

  • Abortion- What used to be an issue regarding access and availability, especially during the third trimester of pregnancy, has now become an issue of post-birth infanticide, with Democrats advocating abortion rights up to, during and after the birth of a child at full term. Only eight countries in the entire world allow this gruesome procedure, and the United States is now one of them.
  • Healthcare – What was once a movement to expand the availability of healthcare insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) has now become an effort to completely eliminate private health care insurance coverage for millions who currently have this coverage through their employers. Democrats are seeking a single-payer healthcare model where all Americans would be forced into government-run healthcare…essentially besetting all of us with the same questionable quality of healthcare that has beset our veterans who have not been properly served by the Veterans Administration.
  • Education- The effort to make four-year tuition-free college education available to anyone who wants it is now the drumbeat of liberal politicians and academics, alike. What neither realizes is that by placing higher education on the same level as primary and secondary public school education, this will eventually result in professors being paid at the same wage levels as public school teachers. Moreover, the quality of higher education will continue its downward spiral away from true education and towards institutional indoctrination. Hence, the effort to expand voting rights down to individuals who are sixteen years of age in the knowledge that sixteen-year-olds, having lacked an education into the reality of socialism and its history, will vote overwhelmingly to acquire what they have been told is “free” stuff.
  • Immigration- Say what they will but the bottom line is that Democrats, in their refusal to acknowledge the very real crisis at our southern border, have essentially espoused open borders with unfettered flow of illegal aliens, who enter this country and avail themselves of American largesse. The increased illegal entry of illegal aliens has been well documented, and is expected to approach one million in 2019, alone. As unsustainable as that clearly is, Democrats like the idea of such unfettered immigration, in the hopes that amnesty leading to citizenship will swell the ranks of Democrat voters and ensure their political power, in perpetuity.
  • Impeachment. With the impending release of Robert Mueller’s report on his investigations into alleged collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians during the 2016 campaign and obstruction of justice, and anticipating that the long-awaited report will show no crimes on the part of the President, the Democrats are already pursuing a “Plan B” of going back through four decades of Trump’s business dealings to find something, anything that they can use to remove Trump from office. In casting such a wide net of inquiry into all things Trump, Democrats have shown that the President’s claim of a “witch hunt” in search of a crime is just that…a “witch hunt” perpetrated by those who remain irate over his election, and nothing more.
  • Anti-Semitism- The growing tendency of Democrats to invoke long-held prejudices against the Jewish people, due to their opposition to the Israeli state, is not only an American problem but is increasingly a problem in many western democracies, as well. In Great Britain, anti-Semitic words and actions among members of Britain’s Labour Party have reincarnated such sentiments for the first time since prior to the Second World War. Similar instances of anti-Semitic rhetoric have been heard in many European capitals, and violence against Jews is increasing all over Europe.  The failure of Democrats to censure the pro-Islamic, anti-Semitic freshman congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and replace this effort to target her repeated anti-Semitic rhetoric with a generic call for non-specific tolerance does nothing to curtail this woman’s hateful speech.

What do such divergent, seemingly unrelated issues all have in common? More specifically, what is the raving lunacy behind such messaging on the part of Democrats?

That’s simple- President Donald Trump.

By opposing the President at every turn, Democrats who have been trying to de-legitimize his election and call into question the millions of American voters who supported his candidacy, have essentially ensured that their return to control of the House of Representatives will represent nothing more than a continuation of enhanced efforts to impeach a President that they just don’t like.

The very fact that there are just enough gutless Republicans who refuse to back their President and stand firm against the efforts to undo the election results of 2016, will mean that President Trump will have to continue the pursuit of his presidency without the help of his own party- and that cowardice on their part is the most reprehensible of all.

Given the fact that the leftward leap of Democrats to the fringes of political discourse has all but ensured the re-election of President Donald Trump in 2020, we can all anticipate six more years of pettiness on the part of his opponents from both parties, who would rather serve their own interests than those of the nation they were elected to serve.

-Drew Nickell, 8 March 2019

© 2019 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

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