Democrats in Dementia- the Leftward Leap of Liberal Loons

Democrats in Dementia- the Leftward Leap of Liberal Loons

If one were to take a snapshot of the policies which are being proffered by Democrats in search of a nomination, and compare these to that party’s not-too-distant past, one would easily come to the conclusion that members in that party have gone stark-raving mad.

Apparently, there is no extreme to which an ambitious Democrat won’t go in order to certify his or her so-called progressive (read liberal) credentials, and a cursory review of the platforms they purport bears this out…to wit:

-Bernie Sanders (I-VT) The self-styled socialist from the Green Mountain State is not only calling for his old standbys, “free” healthcare and “free” college tuition to all comers but wants to nationalize a $15.00 per hour minimum wage …get this… “for every American who wants or needs one.” With not even a hint of how the Senator would begin to pay for this undertaking, that is what he advocates, nevertheless.

-Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) The flaxen-haired charmer from the Empire State, who turned her back on the Clintons after using their name to secure her seat (once held by Hillary Clinton), also supports a guaranteed jobs plan for “regular Americans who are unemployed and willing to work to better their local community.” She also called for “big, bold ideas to fix our economy.” Again, nary a farthing of how she would have us pay for this.

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) The former football star from the Garden State who insisted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was a racist during his nomination hearings, and who insisted on finding Secretary of State designee Mike Pompeo’s opinion of specific gay sex acts as part of his own hearing, is also an advocate of a guaranteed jobs program. Booker said, “The federal jobs guarantee is an idea that demands to be taken seriously… Creating an employment guarantee would give all Americans a shot at a day’s work and, by introducing competition into the labor market, raise wages and improve benefits for all workers.” No word on where that hefty sum will come from.

-Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA)- where else would he be from?- is proposing a bill that would tweak the Earned Income Tax Credit to double the amount for families, and ten-fold for childless workers. “The progressive wing of the party,” he said, “should not be afraid to lay out their vision of where they want to take the country and what would an ideal society look like…then we can negotiate the details.” In other words, impose a policy and then figure out just how to implement it…brilliant!

-Another Democrat presidential wannabe, one Andrew Yang, is promising $1,000 a month for all citizens between the ages of 18 and 64 as a universal basic income program…work optional. Never mind the fact that the socialist utopia of Finland is nixing the idea after a two-year test period which showed that pay without work is a recipe for disaster.

It’s no secret that dozens of incumbent Democrats in both the House and Senate are running on a platform of impeachment…indicating that if Democrats win back the House, articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump will be the first order of business, come January. Never mind the lack of any “high crimes or misdemeanors,” as required in the Constitution…they will impeach him simply because they just don’t like him.

Yet, above all these crazy examples, this one takes the cake.

-Recently a wealthy Democrat donor club, the Democracy Alliance, used an event attended by Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez and former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe to call for reparations…that’s right…reparations. The idea is to pay every black citizen a stipend to atone for the sins of slavery- an experience that no living black American ever endured- but one that would nevertheless reimburse each for the suffering of their fifth- and sixth-generations-ago ancestors, and the legacy that that institution left behind. In an invitation to the event, they fantasized that four years from now, they would be “celebrating policy victories across the nation: Medicare for all and free college, and that next on the agenda is reparations.” It’s an idea that’s been around for some time, gaining momentum from a Reparations Convention held in Chicago back in 2001. One of the many problems with the idea is that not all living African Americans are descended from slaves, and not all living Caucasians are descended from slave owners or those who, along with African chieftains themselves, participated in the slave trade. Never mind that…oppression is oppression and the reparations are “owed,” according to lunatics who advocate this idea. Well, if one wants to start an unthinkable race war in this country, this is one way to bring it about, but don’t tell that to anyone who advocates reparations, lest you be labeled a racist.

Taken separately, these proposals are as ridiculous as they are delusional, and the chances of a majority of Americans backing these policies are somewhere between “slim” and “none,” with “slim” having just left town.

Taken together though, with widespread Democrat advocacy of open borders and the extension of voting rights to illegal aliens (it’s already happening in California, where anyone with a driver’s license can vote without proof of citizenship), it reveals the radical extent to which Democrats aspiring to replace the president will go, in order to win the nomination of their party.

Demonic? Perhaps. Moronic? Certainly…that said, if this is where the Democrats are headed, then Donald Trump will easily be re-elected in 2020…and it can’t get here soon enough.


-Drew Nickell, 25 April 2018

© 2018 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”
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