
Looking Back in the Year 2130

Looking back in the Year 2130


Everyone who reads this today will be long gone in 2130, so to indulge this, please put on the “imagination cap” and pretend, for a moment, that you are your great grandchild and the year is 2130. You are pondering events of the previous century…

“A century ago, Americans were deeply divided along racial, religious and philosophical lines- to an extent that they hadn’t been in many decades. Fifty years after major civil rights legislation had been passed under the administration of Lyndon Johnson, Americans once again found themselves increasingly polarized on the issues of racial and ethnic coexistence…

Having elected its first African-American president, largely because of his race, and its first woman president, largely because of her sex, Americans had then elected their first Hispanic president, largely because of his ethnicity, and then elected their first openly gay president, largely because of his sexual preference. Yet, because each of these “identity” presidents chose to place emphasis on their own identity group, at the expense of the larger country as a whole, America slipped into a chain of events which figuratively and literally tore the country apart…

2130 USA

Today, in 2130, what had been the United States of America is now divided into four separate nations, following a second American Civil War which tore the country apart- those being the (northeastern) Socialist Republic of America, the (western) Nacion’ de America Hispanica, the (southeastern) Federal Republic of America, and the (central, upper midwestern ) Islamic State of America. Following the second American Civil War, fought in the years 2036-2040, there occurred a mass migration, largely upon ethnic and philosophical lines…

Encouraged by events taking place in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, radical Islamists migrated to the central and upper Midwestern part of what had been the United States, established their capital in Minneapolis, and renamed it Obamastan after the forty-fourth president. They enacted Sharia Law and virtually all of the people in these regions are Muslims. Women must cover their faces in public, and are not afforded the right to vote, nor leave their homes unescorted…

Increasing immigration of Mexicans and Central Americans to the southwestern and western portions of what had been the United States, Hispanics voted in separate referenda to secede from the United States and established their own capital in Los Angeles. Spanish was declared the official language in these areas…

Conservative and Christian Americans, who were facing increasing intolerance before, and after, the war, migrated to what had been the southeastern United States, setting up their government in Atlanta. Foreign-born Christians, seeking asylum from Islamic governments in Europe and Asia, were grudgingly admitted into the ports of Miami, Hampton Roads and New Orleans, prompting a significant increase in population in the southeast. There was also a notable migration of Israelis, who had miraculously survived their war with Iran, forced to leave what had been their homeland in the Middle East…

LGBT Americans, realizing that remaining in the central and Midwestern regions would mean capital punishment, largely migrated east, along with many socialist and academic liberals (also not tolerated in the Islamic States), establishing a new, single-party government in what had been Washington, DC, and changed the name of this city to Alinskygrad, named after Saul Alinsky, the creator of community activism and author of “Rules for Radicals”. Christianity was outlawed in this area, as was gun ownership, and citizens remaining there were forced to sign an oath repudiating the Constitution of the United States as well as all forms of conservativism…

Each of these newly formed republics continue to struggle with inter-regional trade and commercial issues, but it appears that a trade agreement is currently in the works between the southeastern Federal Republic of the United States and the Nacion’ de America Hispanica, since both tolerate religious freedom, and have agreed to bi-lingual labeling of products going in and out of both nations…”


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Back to 2015… Think about the scenario described above and ask yourself whether such a scenario is good for America and how this might happen- assuming the world survives. If you take issue with this scenario, then challenge yourself to make sure that this does not happen, based on what you do, today, tomorrow, and in the near future.

-Drew Nickell. 26 May 2015

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