Obama’s America – a House Divided Against Itself

Obama’s America – a House Divided Against Itself

Obama Lectures

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

– Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858

On being nominated to run as the Republican senatorial candidate, Abraham Lincoln delivered in what was then the Illinois State Capitol, the most important speech he would offer prior to his being elected the nation’s sixteenth president. He said so, indicating that the country could not “endure, permanently, half slave and half free.” Sadly, Lincoln’s speech proved to be prophetic. Within three years, the country was ripped apart by the bloodiest war ever fought in the Western Hemisphere. Nearly three quarters of a million men were killed in the American Civil War, and its ramifications reached well into the lifetimes of those born one hundred years later.

Never since that time, 158 years ago tomorrow, has the United States been so divided as it is today. While it can be argued that the seeds of this division reach back into the multi-faceted upheavals of the late 1960’s, the ugly truth is that the reason for this division lands squarely on the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

Since his inauguration in 2009, Obama has intentionally divided America along racial, religious, cultural and partisan lines, like no other president ever has. The reason he has done this is quite simple, and his modus operandi can be traced back to King Philip of Macedonia who, in the fourth century B.C., first said, “Divide and rule.” This stratagem has also been known as “divide and conquer.” It has been used by Machiavelli, Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler, Mao and a host of bad actors stretching back across the centuries, as a means to seize, solidify and sustain political power.

Never has Obama’s clear intent to divide the country been on display than it was yesterday, when he parlayed what was supposed to be an announcement by the Treasury Department to block funding of ISIS/ISIL, into a pathetic and partisan rant against Republicans, in general, and Donald Trump, specifically.

At the very moment the United States needed most, a message of reassurance and a call for national unity following the murder of forty-nine people in an Orlando, Florida nightclub, Obama instead went on a self-indulgent and petulant rant about the words “Radical Islamic Extremism” he stubbornly refuses to use when describing the nature of the terrorist threat he has helped to foment worldwide. With a condescending tone altogether fitting for an arrogant megalomaniac, he launched into an angry diatribe against critics who have taken issue with his reticence to use the phrase, saying that doing so would achieve nothing, and only worsen the situation unfolding around the world.

Nothing could be further from the truth, as it is axiomatic that an unnamed enemy cannot possibly be defeated, and history has borne this out, time and time and time, again.

What Obama presumably fails to understand is that the use of the phrase “Radical Islamic Extremism” codifies and identifies the precise nature of the threat the world faces from radical and fundamentalist Muslims who seek to wage jihad in order to achieve a caliphate of world domination, based upon strict interpretation of Sharia law as contained in the Qur’an. Comprised of 23% of the world’s population, roughly 1.7 billion people, it is estimated that 10-15% of Muslims ascribe to this radical interpretation which seeks to force its belief system on the entire world. Every single, despicable act perpetrated by these radical Muslims has been done in the name of Allah, and yet the president insists that such heinous barbarism has nothing to do with Islam, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Such is the lie with which Barack Obama seeks to divide this country at a time when national unity is needed most. After seven and one-half years of his feckless and tepid response to a plethora of militant Islamic attacks around the world, it has at long last been made painfully clear that Barack Obama is aiding and abetting Islamic terrorism. In heaping his infectious invective in such a manner, he is attempting to portray the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, as a far greater threat to America and the world, than the real threat of Islamic extremism. A simple comparison in the tone of his diatribe bears this out, and it has become duly and painfully obvious that he seeks America’s ultimate destruction as a result.


-Drew Nickell, 15 June 2016

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