To Pee, or Not to Pee – Obama’s Misplaced Priorities

To Pee, or Not to Pee – Obama’s Misplaced Priorities

Obama restroom

What with ISIS on the rise, Iran violating the “Nuke Deal,” global jihad, record numbers of Americans out of the workforce, a national debt approaching $20 trillion, terrorist threats from abroad as well as within…one would think the president’s plate is full…

…and just where are the president’s priorities?

Yep, which restrooms we use…

Prior to his administration taking a stance on where folks are supposed to relieve their biological urges, no one in their right mind can say that restroom designation was even on the most remote of bucket lists on issues requiring the attention of our elected officials. Leave it to Barack Obama and his contemptible cabinet to take issue with where people go to use “the loo.”

Show me a president who places such a non-issue in the forefront of his presidency, and I’ll show you a man who should rightly be impeached for dereliction of duty.

Think about it for a moment.

The impetus behind this inane initiative is the far-less-than-one-percent of the population which identifies itself as “transgender.” Whether such a term actually means those individuals who merely dress incongruently with their sex, or those who are confused about their gender, or those that have undertaken sexual-reassignment surgery, is not entirely clear. What is abundantly clear is the fact that, even taken together, these people comprise merely a fraction of one percent of Americans who use the restroom.

For this reason, the Obama administration would push this on to even the most sensitive of settings- the restrooms and locker rooms of children in middle school and high school who should be rightfully segregated based upon the…ahem… “equipment”…ahem…found between their legs. To suggest that it is okay for a male student to shower in the locker room of 12- and 13-year old girls is a degree of political correctness that has gone too far for any sane society, and is nothing more than a liberal poke into the eye of decent, dare we say, “normal” people who care more about their children than they do about making accommodations for a particularly small segment of the population conflicted about… well… public accommodations.

Never let it be said that the most divisive president in American history can ever fail to provide even more divisiveness to a country whose very name starts with the word “united.” Some may call this “inclusiveness,” but anyone with any sense would call this what it is…”insanity.” Any president who seeks to prioritize such foolishness and place his legacy on where people “pee,” should start by having his own image emblazoned on the very place of his priority…that being the inside of a urinal.

-Drew Nickell, 26 May 2016

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