Chicago Protests- The Fascism of the Left

Chicago Protests- The Fascism of the Left

Leftists in Chicago

As predicted, the road to the presidential election of 2016 got ugly last night- very ugly, indeed.

Four months prior to the nominating conventions that will mark the official beginning of the fall campaign, leftist thugs from organizations like the Black Lives Matter movement and instigated a coordinated protest in downtown Chicago, that quickly turned violent and prompted the cancellation of a speech by Republican candidate Donald Trump. The speech, which would have drawn upwards of 25,000, was cancelled due to concerns for public safety- concerns that were instigated by leftist radicals who only seek to shut down free speech that does not happen to coincide with their own political bent.

Yet, the idiocracy that is the mainstream media, the political insiders of both parties, and all levels of academia would have us believe that it is the candidate, himself, Donald Trump, who is inciting this unrest- all because he has the temerity to buck the established powers-to-be and advance his campaign for the Republican nomination. So desperate are his remaining rivals, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio, to block Trump from the nomination, that they too have joined in the chorus to condemn Trump for the ugliness that was on display in the windy city, last night.

Ironically, it is these leftists who accuse Trump of being intolerant and fascist while it is they, themselves, who seek to curtail free speech that does not fall in lockstep with their own twisted and seditious world view. This attempt to curtail free speech on the part of those opposed to the radical leftist agenda du jour, is very much widespread on college campuses, today, and is the illegitimate stepchild of aging radical professors who ultimately failed to win the war of words during the late 1960s and early 1970s. These aging radicals, safe in their academic tenures and exalted positions, are attempting to reincarnate the desperate dregs of discontent by brainwashing these young and impressionable minds, who have in turn taken to the streets to protest that which they, themselves, do not understand in the first place.

Many of these same protesters, on the payroll of George Soros to stir up such discontent, as we have seen in the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore, were on hand in Chicago last night, for all the world to see. Regretfully, these protests will no doubt continue to follow Trump, wherever he goes and, sadly, it is the mainstream #NeverTrump trolls and the other GOP candidates, so incensed with their hatred of “the Donald,” that have suddenly found common cause with these malcontents.

And why?

Apparently, it is because all of them feel threatened by a man who just wants to make America great again…Go figure…

-Drew Nickell, 12 March 2016

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