Something to Cry About – Obama’s War on the Second Amendment

Something to Cry About – Obama’s War on the Second Amendment

Anyone who has ever been the parent of a small child knows that there is nothing more effective at plucking the heartstrings of a parent, than a child’s tears. Whether genuine, or crocodilian, the “waterworks” are pretty effective at motivating a parent’s change of heart…that is, up to a point….that point being when a parent realizes that he or she is being “played”. That’s when a responsible parent, like the dad in the movie “A Christmas Story” scolds “Ralphie’s” younger brother, “Randy”, saying “I’ll give you something to cry about…”, or words to that effect.

Yesterday, we saw a stellar performance by the President of the United States- one worthy of an Academy Award nomination, as a matter of fact.

This president who has never publicly shed a tear for the hundreds of Christians being beheaded by ISIS, who has never publicly shed a tear for Americans being killed by the score, in America and around the world, by Islamic militants, who has never publicly shed a tear for the likes of Kate Steinly, killed by a repeatedly-deported illegal alien in San Francisco, or the many victims of Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood, Texas, would have us believe that he is so passionate about curtailing gun violence that he is suddenly moved to tears.

“Sorry, Mr. President, but thinking people from both parties aren’t buying what you’re selling. Your tears are no more genuine than a spoiled child who is not getting their way and, truth be told, it is you who should be given something to cry about- like impeachment, for instance”.

Having failed, on multiple occasions, to get the votes necessary to pass the gun control legislation he seeks, our petulant president decides to bypass the legislative branch, stomp his feet and create an entirely new set of crimes by changing the laws regarding gun distribution, and does so via fiat. Well, such a move would be fine in a dictatorship, or in an absolute monarchy, but the unfortunate and inconvenient truth for Barack Obama is that we live in a representative democracy, governed by a Constitution, the Second Amendment of which forbids ANY infringement on gun ownership by the government, period.

Obama’s commitment to end gun violence might be more believable, if he had previously directed the many branches of government- the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to more stringently enforce the laws on the books, which address crimes committed with the use of firearms. His passion for gun control might be less suspect, had his own Justice Department, while under former Attorney General Eric Holder, hadn’t allowed the ATF to distribute thousands of firearms in the drug cartel regions of Northern Mexico, under Operation Fast and Furious, which led to the death of many Mexicans, as well as Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Sure, there are those- the mass of uninformed voters who truly believe that Obama’s passion for ending gun violence is genuine, and sincere, and benevolent, and that he truly cares about the victims of gun violence, and that we should support him in this effort. Yet, having had the experience of raising children, who tried many times to use their tears to get their way, “we ain’t buyin’ what he’s sellin’ ”…not us, and hopefully, not the vast majority of Americans who believe that the Constitution of the United States is something more…much more…than a quaint relic of distant history.

-Drew Nickell, 6 January 2016

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