The Enemy Within– Targeting Domestic Terrorism

The Enemy Within– Targeting Domestic Terrorism

In the midst of all of the news this week, it was quietly announced that the United States Department of Justice has created a Domestic Terrorism Unit to be headed by a yet-to-be-named Domestic Terrorism Counsel, whose job it will be to coordinate the creation of a data base of those the administration designates as “lone wolf” and domestic terrorists, and monitor their activity. If this were being initiated to monitor Islamic extremists or radical anarchists, bent on mass destruction or violent overthrow of the federal government, such an effort would be in keeping with the administration’s responsibility to secure the nation and protect its national security.

Sadly, however, this is not the case- no, not by a long shot.

This initiative is nothing less than an attempt by the Obama Administration to label those who it perceives to be their own political enemies and monitor all types of activities, from on-line blogging, to gun-ownership to advocating political stances in the name of constitutionalism, conservativism, limited government, etc. No folks, this is not a simple and laughable “enemies list”, like the one Nixon maintained based upon those who criticized the thirty-seventh president- this involves actual monitoring in the style of George Orwell’s “1984”, with “Big Brother” watching every step of anyone who takes issue with Barack Obama’s agenda to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”, as he promised to do so on the evening he was elected in November of 2008.

Member of the NRA?, Member of the Tea Party?, Libertarian?, Klansman?, Pro-lifer?, Someone advocating strict adherence to the U.S. Constitution, or limited government?…Guess what, they’ll all be lumped together in the same filing cabinet….the one labeled “Domestic Terrorist”…

Strangely absent from this grouping are those associated with the New Black Panther Party, the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement, the Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR), Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, the Communist Party USA (yes, it still exists), the Socialist Party, Greenpeace, or any movement advocating the annexation of large portions of the United States to Mexico.

Listed amongst the “domestic threats” are those who would firebomb synagogues and mosques, but NOT those who would firebomb churches, which brings the obvious question, “Why exclude churches?”

In other words, oppose Obama, specifically, and liberals, in general, and one does so at their own peril. Here’s the hitch- this is being done in coordination with Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s “Strong Cities Network” in cooperation with…get this…the United Nations…as was announced at the end of September at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. In coordination with the National Security Agency, the Obama administration seeks to silence any, ANY opposition by citizens of the United States, under threat of force levied by the full weight of the federal government.

Essentially, in the name of “safety” and “national security” our rights to free speech, free assembly, gun ownership, the right to address grievances perpetrated by the government, and in some cases, religious expression and affiliation, will become a thing of the past, if Obama and his henchmen get away with what appears to be the single-most egregious and coordinated attack on constitutional freedoms in the history of the United States.

If you believe that the enemy within wears a hijab, or shouts “Allah Akbar!”, you may be correct with regards to specific individuals, but the real enemy within- the one who truly seeks to destroy this country- wears pinstriped suits, works on Pennsylvania Avenue and, while we are distracted with working our jobs, and paying our bills and watching our televisions, is doing everything possible to control our citizenry, and erase our liberties.

Be aware…be VERY aware… and keep in mind those presidential candidates and other politicians who advocate, and seek to perpetuate, these policies.

-Drew Nickell, 16 October 2015

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