Leftist Intolerance and Children of the Scorn

Leftist Intolerance and Children of the Scorn

Decades long in the making, going all the way back to when the Blame America First pathos, first born in the hallowed halls of universities in the early years of the twentieth century, this is what has become of higher education in the second decade of the twenty-first century.

Read the signs: “Become Ungovernable” and “This is War.” Such advocacy of anarchy- so praised by the intelligentsia, and so funded by the likes of George Soros- is quickly becoming the greatest domestic threat in the history of the United States. The lazy and collusive mainstream media will put forth and echo the lie, that such discord is a reaction to the presidency of Donald Trump. Yet, the real source of this discontent, as expressed by these protesters, can be traced to the campus classroom. These young protesters and professional anarchists, awaiting the next opportunity to destroy and wreak havoc, are the children of the seditious scorn which is held by professors across this land, and even around the world.

The seeds of anti-Americanism- the stepchild of European-style socialism, itself an ideology that touched off bloody revolutions and unimaginable cruelty throughout the twentieth century, was the brainchild of the intellectual elite and academics, who held nothing but scorn for the working classes, and looked down their bespectacled noses at quaint concepts of patriotism and piety. They found common cause with communism in the 1930s, throughout World War II, and into the decades which followed. They acted as both apologists and deniers for the Soviet Union and Maoist China, and railed against efforts to snuff them out. This mindset bore malicious, and sometimes, violent fruit on university campuses in the 1960s and well into the 1970s, and these young revolutionaries, who once demanded the freedom to protest against their government under the guise of free speech, eventually became the elder professors who dominate and rule the university campus today, and who advocate anything but free speech.

All speech, and for that matter all thought, that is not in lockstep with leftist ideology, is not to be tolerated in the halls, and on the malls of our institutions of higher learning. Whenever conservative, Republican or libertarian voices are heard, they are shut down and labeled as pariah, not fit for the ears and eyes of college students. When on occasion, conservative guest speakers- be they Condoleezza Rice, Milo Yiannopoulos, or Gavin McInnes- are invited to speak, the call to arms is sent out by their professors to raise objection, protest in great numbers and escalate to the point, where such invitations are cancelled. Merely wear a ball cap that says “Make America Great Again,” and be rewarded for your own right to expression with pepper-spray to the face.

If this hostility towards diversity of thought isn’t bad enough, add in the legions of paid anarchistic thugs who throw gasoline on the fires of discontent and cause damage and destruction in their wake. University and municipal police, commanded to “give space” to the protesters and rioters, are rendered impotent to protect public safety and they themselves become targets of the assailants.

Into the maelstrom of radicalism run amok, enter a new president, Donald J. Trump, and a new administration, very different from the all-too-appeasing and encouraging Obama administration. During his presidency, Barack Obama encouraged young people to take to the streets, and give voice to the malcontented and resentful ideology that he espoused. Obama, totally lacking in the class and dignified restraint of his own predecessor George W. Bush, has already begun to voice opposition to his successor and still encourages such protests, saying that they are “exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake.”

President Trump, a man not given towards appeasing anarchists or placating protesters, will have to seize control of such unrest and bring to justice the financiers of these bad actors, or else preside over a country which teeters on the brink of ideological civil war. Predictably, the mainstream media and his political opponents will portray his doing so as the modus operandi of a police state, and will continue to portray him as the authoritarian heir to Adolf Hitler. In doing so, they will continue to incur the shrinking level of trust among the electorate, and will further marginalize their own influence over the people they are supposed to serve.

Yet, if the new president does not act, this pathology that has taken hold of the “children of the scorn,” will touch off the ideological civil war between those who love this country, and those who seek to render it asunder. Anarchy in the streets of cities today will spread to the streets of the suburbs tomorrow, and the freedoms we cherish will hang in the balance, if this unrest is not soon stopped.

The day of our national reckoning draws nigh.


-Drew Nickell, 3 February 2017

© 2017 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

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