Election Day 2016 – Day of Decision, Day of Destiny

Election Day 2016 – Day of Decision, Day of Destiny

Election 2016 The Road Ahead

…and now it has come down to this…this day, this decision, and this destiny.

Today the United States will cast its ballots for the presidency of the United States, and never has more been at stake in the outcome of a presidential election than in this year of 2016. The distinction between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump could not possibly be greater- in terms of style, in terms of flawed ethos and pathos, in terms of policy and the direction in which each would take us.

Hillary Clinton, whose ambition is all-pervasive and is devoid of any ethical standard other than that which is self-seeking and self-serving, feels that the presidency is something that is owed to her. She is advantaged by the widespread and pervasive collusion of most all of the mainstream media, her campaign, the Democratic National Committee, President Obama’s State, Justice and Treasury departments, including senior levels of the IRS and the FBI, all working to ensure her ascendancy to the throne that they have fashioned for her. Not able to draw large crowds in her own right, she has relied on more popular acolytes within her own party, from presidents to the first lady, to musicians and celebrities, all in an attempt to draw people who would otherwise not bother to see her.

Donald Trump- theatrical, bombastic, combative and sometimes even abrasive- stands stubbornly against all of the forces set on his demise. He has endured enmity from the establishment globalists within his own party, in addition to all of the forces united against him as listed above, and has spent a king’s ransom of his own money in a quest to save this country from the abyss of its own excess. Somehow, he has again and again proved the experts wrong, and seeks to do this one more time. Without any help from former Republican presidents (all of whom are named “Bush,” by the way), nor from the GOP leadership in Congress, nor from any celebrities of note, he nevertheless has managed to draw in the tens of thousands, all by himself. He speaks to their frustrations and offers a voice to those who have been squeezed out of both prosperity and opportunity, at the hands of policies driven by both parties which benefit the few, at the expense of the many.

The one thing that unites all of the diverse powers set against Donald Trump may yet prove to be his own saving grace. As all of these forces have something to gain from the continuation of the status quo ante, no one represents the status quo of the past quarter century than does Hillary Clinton. All of these same forces are threatened by the election of Donald Trump, because his election would come at the cost of their own demise. Their vested interests, their proclaimed competency and prestige, and even their positions of power and influence would all come crashing down, atop their lofty egos. The fact is that Donald Trump scares the living hell out of the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bushes and most all of the major media because, if successful, he will have done so without their aid or influence and their days of relevance would be numbered. The many masses of the middle class hear his call for substantive change and are willing to climb aboard what they see as the last lifeboat to their country’s salvation.

Lost in all the hubris of what most certainly is the most contentious and acrimonious U. S. presidential election in more than a century, is the cold reality of what this election says about its electorate. In a way, this election- comprised of what may be the most detested candidates in history- is a reflection of who we are as a people and our understanding, or misunderstanding, of its short- and long-term ramifications.

To be precise, we are either a people unafraid to seize control of our own destiny as a republic, or we are the moronic marionettes marching in step to the pied piper of political posturing. A Trump victory will ascertain the former, and give this nation one last chance to fix what has long ailed us, while a Clinton victory will prove the latter and etch the letters of our own demise- both as a nation, and as a force for good in the cause of liberty and prosperity.

…something to consider as we head to the polls on this day, and for all time.


-Drew Nickell, 8 November 2016

© 2016 by Drew Nickell, all rights reserved.

author of “Bending Your Ear- a Collection of Essays on the Issues of Our Times”

now available at Amazon


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